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    "Behind the Lens" Part 60 - The first calendar 1989

    The first calendar came out in 1989, I had been a professional photographer for just over a year following the Whitbread on Drum in 85/86.The story of the Jameson picture is well known but the other significant picture was of the Gotland Runt fleet in Sandhamn, Sweden.I was racing on the maxi Nirvana along with some legends from the era like skipper Neil Cheston, John Foster, Taff, Phil Harris, Paul Standbridge Patrick Banfield etc.While at

    Published 12:32 on 12 Nov 2020

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    "Behind the Lens" Part 59 - The Calendars

    With a new lockdown in force in England a few people have asked if I would start the "Behind the Lens" series again. As we are fully into the 2021 calendar season I thought "Behind the Lens" could look back through the 33 editions and pick out a couple of the most interesting pictures from each of the years.We will kick it off tomorrow, Thursday, with the first edition from 1989! The Gallery

    Published 12:30 on 12 Nov 2020

  • "Behind the Lens" Part 58 Greenland

    I seem to start many of the posts with "One of the most interesting assignments I have done."That said in 2013 I did a very interesting assignment exploring in Disco Bay, Greenland with some great sailors, Miranda Merron, Halvard Mabire and Charles Darbyshire .We were based out of Aasaaitand and Illulisat on the west coast and it was just amazing. Here are a few pictures of the

    Published 12:27 on 12 Nov 2020

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    "Behind the Lens" Part 57 Ocean Portraits

    I have been posting daily now for 12 weeks and as the lockdown eases its time to change from daily to posting once or twice a week.It's been fun looking back through the hard drives and receiving feedback and stories from friends far and wide.This will be the last of the daily posts but I will keep it going.From Monday non essential shops are allowed to open and I will have access to my slide

    Published 12:22 on 12 Nov 2020

  • "Behind the Lens" Part 56 The Falklands

    In November last year when the world was a much different place I lead a group to photograph wildlife in the Falkland Islands onboard Skip Novaks Pelagic Australis.We did a circumnavigation of West Falkland landing at the many wildlife sites. Anchored in sheltered coves we usually walked/hiked to the windward side of the islands where the wildlife likes to hang out.We saw many albatross, penguins, seals, we even saw an owl and a fox

    Published 12:02 on 12 Nov 2020

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    "Behind the Lens" Part 55 Hamble Classic Regatta

    A few pictures from last years Hamble Classic Regatta, great to see these boats sailing in these quiet testing conditions.Hopefully this years event scheduled for 21-23 August can take place, hosted by the Royal Southern Yacht Club.

    Published 11:58 on 12 Nov 2020

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    "Behind the Lens" Part 55 Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland

    In two consecutive races, 2010 and 2014, the weather for the Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race was so windy that RORC decided to change the direction of the race from West to East around just a few days before the start. This is a selection of photographs taken at the start off Cowes and in the Western Solent. Fantastic conditions to be shooting from a helicopter and the only way keep up, as

    Published 11:55 on 12 Nov 2020

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    "Behind the Lens" Part 54 The Galapagos

    A few pictures today from the Galapagos Islands taken around Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island.I was only there for a couple of days before sailing with Helen and Chris Tibbs on the World ARC from the Galapagos to the Marquesas. Such a special place but I only saw a glimpse of it so its on the list to go back to.

    Published 11:50 on 12 Nov 2020

  • Behind the Lens Part 53 Cowes Week

    The annual Cowes Week regatta has been running since 1826, traditionally it is always in the first week of August as it had to fit in the Social Calendar, between Glorious Goodwood and the Glorious 12 th (the first day of the grouse shooting season). Hopefully we will get some racing in this year. (Ed note, Cowes Week was cancelled in 2020 due to COVID 19

    Published 11:41 on 12 Nov 2020

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    "Behind the Lens" Part 52 The 2008/9 Volvo Ocean Race

    Following on from yesterdays post from the Galway stopover here are a random collection of other images from the 2008/9 Volvo Race. Apart from the usual helicopters and RIBs we had two other platforms to shoot from in that race.On the coastal legs we had a chase boat, the 50 foot wave piercing catamaran Water Wizzard, renamed the "FleetBroadband Express" that followed the boats from Alicante to Gibraltar and from Galway to Marstrand and

    Published 11:17 on 12 Nov 2020

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    "Behind the Lens" Part 51 Galway 2008/9 Volvo

    Apart from a couple of shots of Puma sending it at the very start off Alicante the 2008/9 Volvo Ocean Race seemed to have light airs restarts in every port.We had to wait until almost the end of the race before we had the chance to photograph the boats really lit up here near the Blaskets on the west coast of Ireland following the restart in Galway. Working again with legendry cameraman Matt Conner

    Published 11:03 on 11 Oct 2020

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    "Behind the Lens" Part 50 - London 2012 Olympic Games

    When my accreditation was approved for the sailing at London Olympic Games it sent a shiver up my spine. There are very few places for still photographers and these go to the big agencies like Getty, Reuters, Associated Press etc. Specialist sailing photographers are at the bottom of the list so I felt very lucky to get the pass. I was to concentrate on Ben Ainslie and Ian Percy/Bart Simpson in the Finn and

    Published 06:29 on 8 Oct 2020

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